Exercises for the oral part of the exam
1. The following etiquette is recommended for the expert examination! 🎓
Wearing a suit plus polished shoes. The masking of piercings and the covering of tattoos is not only required in the security industry for testing purposes. Especially if tattoos cause religious or political conflicts of interest. It is not only the first impression that comes from a well-groomed appearance. It also goes hand in hand with the reputation of the client and their entire company. A polite, friendly and benevolent appearance is also required in almost every job advertisement in the security industry.
The examiner could set the following situational task: You are preparing to start work. Please describe what to look out for as a rule!
2. Punctuality is extremely important in the security industry! 🕘
Doors must be unlocked in good time, lights switched on and the positions at an event occupied so that the day's business or the show can get underway, often for many hundreds of people. Personal protective equipment must be properly handed over and important information passed on to those on duty - this must be documented. In the oral examination, the aspects to be considered during a handover can be discussed.
The examiner could set the following situational task: You are preparing to take over your colleague's shift. Please describe how a handover should take place!
3. The watch log (also known as the duty log) must be kept properly so that it can be proven in an emergency that proper action has been taken. 🚨
The first step is to document the proper handover of duties at the beginning of the shift. To this end, the post assignment is carried out. This is accompanied by the signing out and signing in of the respective security staff on duty (pre-shift & new shift). The logging of the handover and takeover of equipment. For example, the number and type of keys, radios or flashlights. These must be checked for functionality and confirmed with your own signature. The following entries are made by a security employee on an ongoing basis. Not only the start and end of the shift and interruptions are dated, but also the times of patrols, lock checks and, in particular, special incidents. The latter is often subject to an emergency and is linked to a truthful description of the individual actions.
Please note that this is suitable evidence! The watch book is a document & deed! Accordingly, no pages may be removed or erasures made. On the other hand, deletions must remain legible and be countersigned. A disregard or a violation could be asserted as forgery of documents according to § 267 StGB!
The examiner could set the following situational task in the oral examination: You are at your duty station and are to keep the watch book. Please explain what you have to pay attention to!
4. As a security guard, you have general and object-related instructions!
The structure of the service instructions is initially regulated in § 17 of the BewachV. The service instructions must be handed over to the guard before the first guarding activity against confirmation of receipt.
The examiner could set the following situational task: You are at your duty station when you have noticed that the computer is hanging and the telephone system is no longer working. How do you go about finding the person responsible for repairing it?
5. Barrier-free escape and rescue routes and emergency exits
Escape and rescue routes and emergency exits must be kept clear and accessibility ensured. With this in mind, fire protection requires security staff to check these peripheral points in buildings for accessibility and proper closure. So that people can escape outside even in the event of a panic reaction!
The examiner could set the following situational task: You are on an inspection tour when you discover a barricaded emergency exit. How do you deal with the situation?
6. Fire classes and their extinguishing agents
Fire classes are used to classify fires according to their flammable substance. In the event of a fire, the classification is necessary in order to make the correct selection of the appropriate extinguishing agent. The questions in the oral examination often result from the fire classes and the extinguishing agents intended for them.
The examiner could set the following situational task: While on duty, you are on an inspection tour when you discover a sparking and burning socket. How and with what do you now proceed to extinguish the fire?
7. Fire protection regulations (measures and procedures)
The fire safety regulations govern the behavior of people within a building in the event of a fire. They also contain measures to prevent fires. The fire safety regulations and the provisions contained therein can be discussed in the oral examination.
The inspector could set the following situational task: The facility manager calls you and asks whether you have taken the necessary precautions in terms of fire prevention during the tour. Unfortunately, you have forgotten what this is about. How do you go about finding the necessary documents?
8. The telephone numbers for faults and emergencies differ 🆘
An incident can be rectified internally by the first aider. For example, if a cold pack or plaster is needed. However, first aiders also carry out life-saving measures, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, because they can reach the scene of an emergency more quickly. In the event of an emergency, however, authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS) are usually also required, as this cannot be resolved by the company itself.
The examiner could set the following situational task: An accident has occurred in a bank building for which you are deployed as an intervention worker. You now have to secure the scene of the accident and coordinate the emergency services. How can anyone find the right telephone numbers in an emergency?
9. Messages from the fire alarm control panel (FACP)
Some fault messages can be canceled and reset independently by assigned personnel. Other danger and alarm messages often have to be investigated by guards, otherwise the fire department is called immediately and some of them alert the fire department straight away.
The examiner could set the following situational task: In the guardhouse where you are deployed, the FACP triggers an audible alarm. How do you proceed to find out where the alarm is coming from?